There are rules for this award.They are as follows:
1. Thank and link to the person who nominated me.
Thank you!
2. Share seven random facts about myself.
Here goes...
1. I was told that my first written novel has potential to be best-selling if I work harder on it! WOOT! And that was by an agent.
2. I write songs.
3. The more I write, even the same novel, the more I love it, breathe it, live it.
4. I hate my ipod at the moment! First it got lost, then its lost its cable. GRRRR....I realize that that is my fault.
5. I don't like to admit my faults, but hey, I do, didn't you just see that above?
6. I don't believe in age. Its a number. I hate numbers. I am still in my teens, but I don't think we need to clasify everyone with age. That really pulls many people apart.
7. Coffee actually inspires me. Weird, I know.
3. Pass the award along to 5 new-found blogging buddies.
This was HARD....So many great bloggers and blogs, I'm lost. Ok, not anymore. Ive made up my mind. The award goes to: Wistfylly Linda, Flights Of Urban Fantasy, My Scientific Attempt, Ink Spells, AND Loren Chase!
4. Contact those buddies to congratulate them.
I am about to do that. Thus, its done! Its done in the future if that makes sense. The future me did it. Yep. CHEERS!
P.S....My contest is still coming and even better than I planned, so heads up!